Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Blue Bridge Coffee Stout

A bitter/sour taste from the coffee, and good coffee aroma. Not bad. My Black Tie Squirrel is better because I added chocolate and vanilla, which serve to balance that sour effect with some sweetness. This is very similar to mine, just mine is a tiny bit better! ID

22oz bottle, 5.4% ABV
Coronado Brewing Company
Coronado, CA
purchased at Kenwood

Monday, July 13, 2015

Stick to the Nuts!

A brown ale brewed with peanut butter! Right up my alley. The is a nice brown ale, crisp and just the right flavor and malt hop balance. But, the peanut butter flavor I was hoping for just barely makes an appearance. I feel a bit of oil on the lips I think, but that's about it. I'm definitely going to make a peanut butter beer myself, and I'm sure to go overboard! Nice brown ale. Use more PB! ID+

22oz bottle, 7.5% ABV
Slapshot Brewing Company
Chicago, IL
purchased at Kenwood (I think)

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Citra-Hero IPA

I'm expecting this to be similar to my flagship homebrew, which makes very liberal use of Citra hops. And it is similar. This has a good hop nose, but mine has an over the top hop nose. This has a very nice flavor, a little sharp and crisp in the mouth, where mine has a very soft finish. Their sharp finish makes the hop bitterness "pop" a little more. They have a pretty solid brew here. Mine also has a bit more booze to it, but until mine becomes available for purchase, I'll call this a MB.

22oz bottle, 7.5% ABV
Revolution Beer LLC
Chicago, IL
purchased at Kenwood

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Road Trip India Pale Pilsner (IPP)

Smells like a pilsner. Tastes like a pilsner. But slightly sweeter, and a bit hoppier. Pilsner is the way to describe this brew, so the yeast definitely dominates the recipe. But this tastes good, a big improvement over mass produced pilsners. I'm going to give this a MB for when you're buying a pilsner, though I rarely do. But when I do, I'd buy this one!

12oz bottle, no deets
SweetWater Brewing Company
Atlanta, GA
purchased at Kenwood

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Clown Shoes Pecan Pie Porter

Sounds cool, but not for me. At. All. It has a very sour taste that is truly unappealing. Maybe it's old, as it claims to be an autumn offering and we're just starting summer, but that can't be the only issue. Also says it was aged in bourbon barrels which, as much as I like bourbon, has always sounded unappealing to me for a beer. I expected a sweet piece of pie in a glass. I got a sour slightly boozy smelling poorly planned and miss represented brew that is hard to choke down. And for me, that's saying a lot! SK

22oz bottle, 8% ABV
Mercury Brewing Company
Ipswich, MA
purchased at Kenwood

Old Fezziwig Ale

A remnant of winter I'm drinking now, 'cause I'm scraping the bottom of my fridge. A bit dark with spices. Smooth and a bit sweet. Easy to drink, but nothing terribly remarkable. It's just good. ID

12oz bottle, 5.9% ABV
The Boston Beer Company
Boston, MA and all
purchased ???