Monday, January 30, 2017

Tangier Session IPA

You can definitely taste the tangerine peels! A nice hint of fresh orange, along with the bitterness of the peels to enhance the bitterness of the IPA. A nice interesting treat, and perfect for those work from home nights! ID+

12oz bottle, 4.6% ABV
Southern Tier Brewing Company
Lakewood NY
purchased at Homewood Liquors

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Hop Trip Pale Ale

This is hop forward, not really any malt flavor, so nice and light, but I'm having trouble picking out any specific hop flavors. Then again, I've been having a "stout day" so my taste buds might be fried, and I may be drunk! So I'll save another bottle of this to come back to the rating another day. For now ID.

12oz bottle, 6.1% ABV
Deschutes Brewery
Bend, OR
purchased at Kenwood

Java Chip Mint Stout

I guess today is a "stout day"! Drank a Bell's Expedition between this and the Neapolitan, so I'm feeling great!! The first few bottles of this that I drank, I would have told you there is no mint. But now, concentrating, it is there, subtle, and on the swallow. It even lingers, but just at the back of your mouth. And now that you know how to find it, you can smell it and taste it, subtly, through more of the mouth. A nicely crafted little stout. Or maybe a big stout, IDK 'cause they give me no deets. But still I'll call MB because I'm now loving this lingering mint flavor, like I ate those Fannie Mae mints.

12oz bottle, that's it
Oddside Ales
Grand Haven, MI
purchased at Kenwood

Neapolitan Milk Stout

You read that right: beer that tastes like the old 3-flavor ice cream. I often wonder if my grandfather was alive, what that generic lager drinking man would think of what I drink today! Maybe only because I know the name I think so, but damn if this doesn't seem just like the ice cream! The strawberry stands out, the chocolate may just be the stout itself, but it feels like it's there. The vanilla is buried, but I'd think it would be in the ice cream as well. Very creative! I generally don't like "milk" stouts, but this one is amazingly drinkable! I bet this would please a wide audience, so try it at your next birthday or similar party! MB

12oz bottle, 6% ABV
Saugatuck Brewing Company
Douglas, MI
purchased at Kenwood