Friday, August 12, 2011

McSorley's Irish Black Lager

Kind of a Guiness aroma. Burnt grain flavor lines the edges of the tongue. But very light and drinkable, by my standards, certainly not the general BudLight public's. I tried, but didn't rate, Guiness' black lager, but from memory, I was unimpressed. I'm on a dark beer kick tonight (even though I snuck in an imperial ipa to be rated later) this one does it for me. Not to be mistaken for a true dark beer like the last, this is a lager, and has the hints of something mass-produced rather than crafted, but never the less I think this deserves a MB for its style. At roughly half the price of a microbrew this is definitely worth checking out.

12 oz bottle
McSorley's Brewery
Utica, NY
purchased at Kenwood
(paid $5.99 for sixer, and we paid "five-o-two" for much inferior brews back in the early '90's)


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