Alpha Klaus Christmas Porter
Not sure if i yet rated Alpha King a favorite beer from my youth that I used to special order. Saw this and thought, awesome! Definitely porter as that flavor comes completely through, though backed by big hop bitterness. A pleasant combo. Somehow I'd hoped for that huge citrus Alpha King punch. Not sure how that would clash with the roast flavors of the porter, but that is a fantastic nuclear fusion in my mind anyway. Not sure I want to give this MB since it seems close to Sierra Nevada, but fuck it. Life is too short to back down from anything or anyone which makes you smile. Smiling even with a sad song in the background, so this merry buzz is worth a MB.
22oz bottle, the rest is a secret, I guess
Three Floyds Brewing, LLC
Munster, IN
purchased at Kenwood
Three Floyds Brewing, LLC
Munster, IN
purchased at Kenwood
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