A nonproduction brew as you can see from the bottle. When searched for info online back before I bought it, "cat pee" was a common descriptor. I have no idea what that tastes like, but I get it, cause this is really complex, with conflicting flavors. Wow, it is very pleasant, but I really have to think about what I'm tasting. This is exactly what I am in the mood for, watching the old Brew Masters reality show about DFH on Netflix. This has almost the "farmhouse" smell, but that is a minor flavor. It's candy-sweet, not malt-sweet and almost tart simultaneously. A bit perfumey, so odd, but really, really good! Had been kind of bored by average beer lately, but this is exactly what the doctor ordered! MB if it's still around, and ignore all references to "cat pissing on pine tree". If that's accurate though, I think I'll start drinking cat pee, cause this is just great.
22oz bottle, 9% ABV (beeradvocate.com)
Three Floyds & Surly collaboration
Munster, IL
purchased at FFF Brewpub