Friday, October 18, 2013

BeerHive Tripel

The label says this ale is brewed with honey and ginger, yum. The sniff is like I just opened a jar of honey. Very grainy. Like chewing a handful of honey covered grain. That flavor dominates. But the bitterness doesn't allow this brew to be sweet. Just grain flavor and bitterness. So I'll burp up bread in the morning, not booze. That's a plus. But I can't taste the ginger, which I was looking forward to. Still, this tastes and smells like the best part of a brewery, like when I get a couple cases from my local FFF and my basement smells like grain for a week. So awesome. And this is packing pretty good booze, but you wouldn't know it. Such flavor, and uniquely so, in the taste, I gotta go MB.

22oz bottle, 8.47% ABV
New Holland Brewing Company LLC
Holland, MI
purchased at Kenwood


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