Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Vallejo IPA

Why should I pay $10 for 4 pints of this brew? That sounds expensive to drink at home, but then again that would be dirt cheap for craft beer at a bar, and I like my home better than a bar anyway, so ... perspective. Smells kinda skunky, but not bad skunky like old Heineken in college. This is skunky like new breed hops, or weed or something! It has flavor, for sure. Not clean and simple like the last beer I rated, nor some unpleasant funky flavor like the last beer I drank, to be rated later. Just a unique, skunky/funky flavor that I can't deny being fun, fresh, and happy. MB? Let's go with that!

16oz can, Zero Deets (you MF...@#$&...)
Half Acre Beer Company
Chicago, IL
purchased at Mariano's


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