Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dubhe Imperial Black IPA

Looks like a porter, smells like an IPA: causes confusion to the senses. The taste is heavy hop flavor and bitterness. Can't seem to taste any roasted or burnt grains, so confusing even further. I need to let this warm up a bit to get the subtleties. Will return. *turns tablet off* Took awhile to get back to this, but it definitely has some burnt grain flavor. It just blends with the bitterness so closely, it is hard to tell. Bottle says it's brewed with hemp seed for what that's worth. Not getting high! This one is great if you like strong bitterness as i do, otherwise it's not your bag (or bottle). MB
12 oz bottle, 9.2% ABV
Uinta Brewing Company
Salt Lake City, UT (wtf: is this even legal there? For export only?!)
purchased at Kenwood


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