Saturday, February 04, 2012

120 Minute IPA

Whoa, I've been waiting to find this one! Went to a store and a sign on the shelf said to ask for it behind the counter. They couldn't find it. Left and went to my car when the clerk came running out to get me cause he found it. At $10 for the bottle it seems a bit steep, but hell, I pay like $8.75 for Sam Adams at the Hawks games, so this is nothing for the holy grail of Hopheadom! With the glass sitting a foot away from me on the table I can already smell the hops! And, oh is that a hoppy taste! Slight sweetness, on the aftertaste so this probably packs a punch, but the label is mute to the ABV. Smooth, and almost spicy. Wondering why some beers have freshness dates, and this one says it can age for a decade?! I'd never let my second bottle sit that long! Anyway, it is a good one to swill if you can find it. Good luck in your hunt! MB
12 oz bottle, details are top secret!
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Milton, DE
purchased at Route 66 Liquors, Berwyn, IL


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