The smell and first taste were a bit amateur, like one of my home brews. It has big carbonation, coming in a champagne bottle, which makes a hard swallow. I'm going to be burping like crazy the rest of the night. After reading the label, I decided to switch to the recommended tulip glass, but then I got an entire glass of foam. In fact about an inch of head stood above the rim of the glass without leaking over the edge and down the sides. The dark flavor is a good one though. Hard to describe but tasty if you can get past the gas. Returning to my original glass, it is getting better the longer it sits out. Now, half an hour later, alot of the gas has worked its way out, the beer has warmed up, and it is really good. Very even flavor, dry, and just a bit of spice at the back of the throat. So, pour yourself a glass of Rugbrod, have another drink (I had a vodka) then pick up your beer and enjoy.
750 mL champagne bottle, 8% alcohol
The Bruery
Placentia, Orange County, CA
purchased at Barley & Hops